I am trained in fiber arts, printmaking, and mixed media, and my work is a reflection of my deep appreciation for bold colors, dynamic shapes, and intricate patterns. These elements come together in abstract compositions that capture the fluidity and complexity of the ever-changing world around me. My subject matter often shifts, influenced by my travels, personal interactions, and the nuances of daily life. While my work is primarily abstract – ranging from non-objective to figurative – I thrive on the freedom to explore beyond the boundaries of any single style or medium.
I embrace an unrestricted approach to materials, allowing me to layer a wide variety of media onto my surfaces. This layering process brings a richness of texture, depth, and design to my pieces, making each one unique. Whether through vibrant textiles, bold prints, or mixed media elements, my art is a conversation between form, color, and emotion, aiming to connect with viewers on both a visual and experiential level.